Just a 23 year old college graduate trying to keep fit and shed some inches.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 NYR: Day 5

Well, I was going strong this week... until today.

  • Monday I started p90x-2: core. Ate clean and did not eat any junk.
  • Tuesday I did p90x-2: plyocide. Ate well and resisted cupcakes. 
  • Wednesday I did p90x-2: recovery + mobility. Ate well and resisted cupcakes AGAIN WOO HOO!
Today? Well, I did not do my p90x-2 workout -- but I wanted to. I also did not eat as cleanly as I would have liked, but I was still fairly good today.

8:30AM: Woke up and rushed to the grocery store to get this week's shopping done.

11:00AM: I had a phone meeting with my professor's good friend, who just happens to have a phD in nutrition, so I really wanted to talk to this woman. She answered plenty of questions, eased my fears, and also raised new fears... primarily: holy shit, if I want to become a registered dietitian, I am going to have to work my ass off. Don't get me wrong, I knew I'd have to do that, but it never registered just how much I would have to work. I am up for the challenge, though :)

11:30AM: Que an intense freak out after I get off the phone. Started craving Carvel of all things (I hadn't had breakfast yet at this point, which was my biggest pitfall of the day).

12:30PM: I finally make scrambled eggs. Delish breakfast, my tummy is happy.

After that, I went into the city with my mother, visited the future college I want to attend for graduate school, and when we walked downtown, we saw a candied nuts stand. I love candied nuts, and the street vendors in Manhattan make the best ones. EVER. We got a small bag of cashews and almonds and between the two of us, ate half of each bag.

I stopped when I didn't want anymore, instead of binging on sugar. I view that as a huge victory.

My mother and I walked uptown (and uphill) from 42nd street to 68th. We climbed stairs, and also went down a few flights instead of taking the elevator. When we were done at the college I was visiting, we walked back downtown, so in total, we walked a little more than 52 city blocks. I don't feel too guilty about missing my workout because of that.

After, I followed one of my New Years resolutions: to incorporate more fish into my diet. My mom and I went to get a lunch/dinner (linner?) at this seafood place in Grand Central. I tried a lemon broiled fillet of sole. It tasted like chicken, and I am hooked. Absolutely loved the fact that they give you a huge side of veggies with your fishie.

On the train ride home I started to feel unwell; exhaustion, headache, nausea. The train car was overcrowded and stuffy, so I also started to get the makings of a panic attack, which I am positive would have overwhelmed me had my mom not been there to distract me.

I still have the headache, even at 11:20PM and after taking 2 Advil (and eating the rest of those candied nuts... for shame, I wasn't hungry, either). The headache was so bad earlier that whenever I stood up, it began pounding... which is why I did not work out. I'm convinced I was just dehydrated.

Tomorrow I plan on:
  • Eating clean while aiming for the 50% protein / 25% fat / 25% carb ratio I have been somehow managing to maintain these past 4 days.
  • Doing a double workout if I feel up to it. If not, then do today's workout tomorrow, and skip my recovery day so I don't miss anything.
  • Drinking PLENTY of freaking water!

Moral of the story? Drink lots of water, even if you hate it, and get that breakfast eaten within 2 hours of waking up... even if you aren't hungry. If you're doing an IF, then okay, skip breakfast, but otherwise? Eat that food! There's a reason why they say it's important to eat breakfast, and I am slowly becoming a believer of this popular opinion.


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